Homes For Sale
Boundaryless Living develops homes for sale with thoughtful and innovative features, making them accessible to everyone—from people with mobility or other adaptive needs to those looking to age in place. These homes include older homes that have been renovated for accessibility features and modifications.
Sometimes the solution to reduced mobility is right under your nose. BoundaryLess Living can help make adaptations to your home, allowing you to remain in the place you’ve put down roots. We have experience with heavy and light remodel work to renovate existing homes for adaptive and longevity living. There are a lot of simple modifications you can do to prepare for aging, or updates for your existing adaptive needs to improve quality of life.
Renovations of existing homes are just as unique as their resident’s needs and are never one-in-the-same. We are currently working on optimizing our renovation processes and services, but if you’re interested in hearing more about what we currently offer, please reach out through our contact form or questionnaire.
We are working diligently to launch our new consulting services. Soon you will be able to put our experience and expertise to use by meeting with one of our skilled representatives or commissioning floor plans for your next project.
Stay up to date on our adaptive living services by filling out our contact form.